
Free Market Research on Thousands of Brands…

We’ve just launched a free market research area to AnswerThePublic, which you can find here:

If you are working on a proposal or pitch, want to scope out what people think about your competitors, even get some content ideas, or creative inspiration based on what people are searching around similar brands, this resource will reveal the most popular questions being asked in search.

Golden nuggets of insight for free 🙂

Using auto-suggest data from search engines like Google, you’ll be able to discover what people really want to know about the world’s biggest organisations.

We’ll be adding 1,000’s of brands, like this one for Nike:

Search data is only ever reflective of a ‘moment in time’ so we’ll update the content every week. Switch to the ‘Data’ tab, and you’ll see new and trending questions, as well as those which have dropped out of the top auto-suggest results – which will be highlighted as ‘new’ or ‘gone’ – like these:

Are there any brands or categories would you love to see? Drop me an email at, and we’ll add them to the collection.